5 Strategies to Optimize For Voice Search

5 Strategies to Optimize For Voice Search

Voice search has revolutionized the e-commerce industry forever changing the way consumers, business owners, and marketers approach optimizing content. When looking to optimize for voice search, there are several marketing strategies that are effective in increasing...
5 steps to change your WordPress favicon

5 steps to change your WordPress favicon

Let’s start at the beginning, it’s a very good place to start. A favicon is the little icon, usually a square image, that you see in your browser tabs. If you are anything like me, you have A LOT of open tabs in your browser all the time. This little icon...
How a Blog Improves SEO for your Website

How a Blog Improves SEO for your Website

Many business owners are concerned about search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO. They want as many people as possible to come to their website. Whether they are trying to catch more e-mails for their e-mail marketing list or they just want some new people...
What is Bounce Rate in Google Analytics?

What is Bounce Rate in Google Analytics?

As website owners and online marketers, we all strive for a low bounce rate. But what exactly is bounce rate and how can we measure it? In simple terms, bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your website without clicking on anything or visiting any...
Represent Your Reputation

Represent Your Reputation

CassandraHey, guys. Welcome to Think Flame marketing Agency podcast ideas on fire. Today we are talking about online reputation management. I’m Cassandra Patrick. And with me, as always, is Jonathan Perea. When you think online reputation, what comes to mind?...