Online Traffic

Skyrocket Your Online Traffic With Our Foolproof Strategies

We Create a Bespoke SEO And Paid Advertising Strategy To Help Your Business Get Found Online Easily By The People Who Are Interested In Your Products And Services.

Get Unprecedented Online Traffic To Your Website

Online traffic: what is it, and why does your business need it? When it comes to marketing your business, consistent online traffic is a must.

It all boils down to one very simple thing: you want as many (interested) people as possible to find your business when searching online for the products and services that you offer. However, the strategies to increase and maintain your online traffic are a bit more complicated than that.

online traffic web traffic

The two most effective ways to boost online traffic are by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or paid advertising services. Now, imagine what incredible results you would achieve by COMBINING both these strategies in a way that is unique and tailored to your business needs.

Well, that’s exactly what we do at ThinkFlame to ignite the power and reach of your company.

Read on to find out more about how we do that and how you can get the amazing results that countless other companies like you have already seen, thanks to us.

Paid Traffic

Google & Social Advertising

Is your website ranking on the first page of Google search results?

If not, you will need our help. Your best bet, to start with, is paid advertising through search engines like Google and Bing or social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

The advertising process includes placing ads for keywords to bring in relevant, high-quality traffic to your website in the shortest possible time. Once the adverts are there, you can capture them as a lead for your business growth.

Organic Traffic

Search Engine Optimization

Your next step towards increased online traffic is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is vital to enable greater visibility of your brand, but it also helps you to achieve a much better understanding of your potential customers.

What do they search for online? What questions do they need answers for? What exact words are they using?

In a nutshell: you’ll want to uncover exactly what type of content they want to consume, and you’ll want to deliver it in a way that search engine crawlers can find and understand. Achieving all this will allow you to connect to the people who are doing online searches for exactly the products and services that you offer and entice them to buy from you.

Process Overview


Schedule Your Free Consultation

You have a website; we have the tools to make it greater. So, we take a look at your website first during an initial, free audit to find out just where you stand and how we can help.

No fees, no commitment, no surprises.


Build Your Strategy

Once your audit is complete, we proceed with building the strategy. No two businesses are the same, so each strategy is utterly unique to your own company. We build a plan that sets out the goals and the initial three months of focus. This way, we all know how to measure success as your business grows.


Launch The Campaign

Next, we are ready to implement and launch the campaign based on the goals and strategies that we have worked on so far.

The aim, of course, is to boost your website visits and get you more business opportunities than ever before.


Watch Your Online Traffic Soar

Then, we start tracking and measuring your online traffic rates, and you will soon notice a spike in website visits which is going to translate into more business opportunities and increased sales.

Why We Are Your Lead Generation Partners

Quote Image

After two years of being invisible in Google, the ThinkFlame team’s work had us showing in searches within two months.

If you need help, I recommend ThinkFlame every time!

Angela Richardson

Angela Richardson

Richardson Miller LLP

Digital marketing can feel like you are shouting out into the void, so it’s never been more important to stand out from the crowd: either organically or paid through advertising.

At ThinkFlame, we specialize in YOUR business. We believe that each business, just like each person, is one-of-a-kind and requires that same, fully personalized approach.

We know how to analyze your target market, segment audiences, and create buyer personas in order to transform the way you market your business online. Our digital solutions are tailored to any business, irrespective of industry or the size of your operations.

In this way, we ignite new ideas, perspectives, and pathways to get things done right. We connect the dots on your digital strategy and set it on fire.

ThinkFlame doesn’t just connect you with people. It connects you with the right people, at the right time, through the right message.


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How Much Does It Cost To Boost Your Online Traffic?

Ours is not a cookie-cutter online marketing agency: each project is as unique as each of our customers.

This, of course, applies to our prices, which are tailored to the scope, goals, and expectations of each business.

Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic. – Adam Audette

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