LinkedIn Stories are fleeting

No wait, fleets were on Twitter! Announced on August 31, the current iteration of LinkedIn Stories is being removed on September 30.

Liz Li, Senior Director of Product at LinkedIn, stated:

we’ll remove the current Stories experience by the end of September, as we work on the new experience.

For those who don’t utilize stories on any platform that they are still available on… Stories are vertical photos or videos, up to 15 seconds, that disappear after 24 hours after posting. Unlike standard posts within your feed, they’re displayed at the top of an active user’s app when they’re logged in, and are tapped through to view.

Stories have great success and are a big deal.

Facebook revealed that more than one billion people use Stories every day across their products, including:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp (as “Status”)

Instagram has also confirmed that users spend between 24 and 32 minutes watching stories every day, which is longer than an episode of your average sitcom.

IG users spend 24 and 32 mintues watching stories everyday

Are they replacing LinkedIn Stories?

The short answer is no.

While LinkedIn is a professional-centric platform, having the informality of personal videos is what the people want!

Like other platforms, being able to create lasting videos that highlight your professional story in a more personal way allows professionals to showcase your expertise and personality.

When LinkedIn launches the ‘reimagined LinkedIn Stories’ make sure that you are ready to share insights, ask for help, and react to news and industry updates. There are many ways to prospect on LinkedIn and putting your voice out in video format is definitely at the top of the list!

You absolutely have questions, and we’d like to continue the conversation as well, contact us soon.

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